Create Custom Messages for Participants
Even though you’re not physically present while participants complete their Q-sorts, you can still communicate with them through on-screen, custom messages. Q Method Software mimics the process of a standard in-lab study.
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Send emails to participants
Send an invitation email to your study participants. From the email, one click brings them to the Q study online. Their unique Participation Code is pre-filled, so they don’t have to type it in. The Code is valid only for that participant and that study. And if they haven’t completed the Q-sort after 7 days, they will receive a second email reminding them to do so.

Never forget or misplace a participant’s consent form again
Add your own consent form in the Study Creator and it will be displayed to all participants. They cannot begin the Q Sort without giving their consent.
Guide participants with on-screen instructions
Write instructions and completion messages for your participants to see as they go through the sorting process. You can make them as detailed as you like and format the text to make it easy to read. Link to external websites or downloadable files. With the ability to edit the source code, you can add multimedia elements such as images and video.

NEW! Provide a stimulus for the Q-sort
Prime your participants with the new Stimulus Page, which they see prior to doing the pre-sort. The Stimulus Page can contain text, images, and videos. Upload videos from your computer or embed them from YouTube and other video hosting platforms.
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