Intuitive Q-Sort Interface for Your Participants
We’ve made it extremely easy for your participants to complete their Q-sorts on the web. Furthermore, Q-sorts are automatically encoded into your study — no need to manually record them one by one.
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Access anytime, anywhere
Participants can complete their Q-sorts on any internet browser and computer operating system. They only need a computer, laptop, or Chromebook with an internet connection. There’s nothing for them to download or install. All they have to do is click on the link in the invitation email, and they’ll be taken to your Q Methodology study on the web.

Easy-to-use Q Sorting interface
With Q Method Software’s clean and clear interface, participants find it easy, engaging, and even enjoyable to use. The on-screen messages and stimulus with links and multimedia elements guide them through the entire process, making it comparable to an in-lab experience.
Drag-and-drop simplicity
Participants can spend more time thinking about the sorting tasks and less time figuring out the software. To pre-sort and sort the statements in the Q-grid, all they have to do is drag-and-drop the statement or image cards.They can even zoom in to better see the items and focus on specific parts of the grid.

Automatic, hassle-free recording of Q-sorts
As soon as participants submit their Q-sorts, they are automatically recorded in Q Method Software. You don’t have to manually record each Q-sort. This eliminates work for you and removes the possibility of human error.
Take Your Q Methodology Research Online Today
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